


to be severe with oneself and lenient with others. 严以责己宽以待人 prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. 富贵结朋友, 患难见真情 Life is happier if it is full of pretty people.生命是非常美好的,如果生活中充满了非常有趣的人的话。

Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show.人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现出来。Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.生活就是经常发生的一些偶然。

Optimist, a man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.[一个乐观的人,即使被狮子逼上了树梢,他也能欣赏美的风景。] Life is like a fable. It is not measured by its length, but by its content.生活象一则寓言。

它并不是由它的长短来衡量,而是由它的内容来衡量。Eat to live, but do not live to eat.吃饭是为了生活,但生活并不仅仅为了吃饭。

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.生活不是一个需要解决的问题,而是一种需要经历的现实。There are three things men can do with women, love them, suffer for them and turn them into literature.世界上的男人能够为女人做三件事情,爱她们,为她们受苦,把她们变成文学。

literature 文学 When a beautiful woman smiles, somebody"s purse weeps.当一个漂亮女人微笑时,某人的钱包就会流泪。Nothing comes between you and success.成功和你之间没有距离。

There is only one good, that is knowledge, there is only one evil, that is ignorance[5i^nErEns].世界上只有一种善,那就是知识,世界上只有一种恶,那就是愚昧。No road is long with good company.company 公司,朋友,陪伴 有良友相伴,路途虽远并不遥远。

With friends at one"s side, the life displays all its value.有了朋友,生命才完整。 Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.行动是知识的巧果。

· A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.户枢不蠹。· A crafty knave needs no broker.狡猾的流氓,不需居间人。

· A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。· A contented mind is perpetual feast.知足常乐。

· A constant guest is never welcome.久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。· A common danger causes common action.同仇敌忾。

· A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.夜郎自大。· A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入,祸从口出。

· A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.宁为清贫,不为浊富。· A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

· A clear conscience is a sure card.光明磊落,胜券在握。· A clear conscience is a soft pillow.问心无愧,高枕无忧。

· A clean hand wants no washing.身正不怕影子斜。· A cheerful wife is the joy of life.快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。

· A change of work is as good as a rest.调换一下工作是很好的休息。· Accidents will happen.天有不测风云。

· A cat may look at a king.猫也有权晋见国王。· A candle lights others and consumes itself.蜡烛焚自身,光亮照别人。

· A burnt child dreads the fire.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。· A burden of one´s choice is not felt.自己选的担子不嫌重。

· Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.相聚爱益切,离别情更深。· A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm.借来的斗篷不暖身。

· A book that remains shut is but a block.有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。· A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change.一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。

· A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass.秋波送盲,白费痴情。· A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it´s the boundary of the world.坐井观天。

· A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.略有胜於全无。· A bird may be known by its song.什麽鸟唱什麽歌。

· A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人 · A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。· A beggar´s purse is bottomless.乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

· A bargain is a bargain.达成的协议不可撕毁。· A bad workman quarrels with his tools.拙匠常怨工具差。

· A bad thing never dies.坏事传千年。· A bad padlock invites a picklock.开门揖盗。

· A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。· A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

· A bad conscience is a snake in one´s heart.做贼心虚。· A bad conscience is a snake in one´s heart.做贼心虚 · A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

· A bad bush is better than the open field.有胜於无。· A bad beginning makes a bad ending.恶其始者必恶其终。

· No wisdom like silence智者寡言 · Necessity 。


纯手打哦~~记得我的辛苦啦In order to do really great things, you need to make really great mistakes.不犯巨大的错误就不能取得伟大的成就.There are things that we don"t want to happen but have to accept,things we don"t want to know but have to learn,and people we can"t live without but have to let go.总有一些事,我们不愿它发生,却必须接受;总有些东西,我们不想知道, 却必须了解;总有些人, 我们不能没有, 却必须学着放手.Get,then lose.It always hurts us more than never have got.得到了再失去,总是比从来就没有得到更伤人.Friendship isn"t something you learn in school.But if you haven"t learned the meaning of friendship,you really haven"t learned anything成人社会中的友谊和儿时玩伴之间的友谊不尽相同,友谊可不是学校里念书学得到.但如果你在学校没有懂得友谊的含义,你等于什么都没有学会You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you cann"t kvetch for it if it doesn"t appear in your life.命里有时钟需有 命里无时莫强求.Three words, eight letters, say it, and I"m yours.三个词,八个字母,说出来,我就是你的.Learn to use the understanding of the vision to see and appreciate each other, in order to opinionated care to pipe each other.学会用理解的,欣赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方.。


八年级上册7—12单元句子英译汉翻译练习1. How do you make a banana milk shake?2. How much yogurt do we need?3. How many bananas do we need?4. Let me think.5. Put another slice of bread on the top.6. Here"s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich.7. Next you need to put the ingredients into a blender.8. Turn on the blender for two miniutes.9. How was your school trip?10. Did you go to the zoo? Yes, I did/ No, I didn"t.11. What else did you do?12. They took the subway back to school?13. I help Sally (to) buy a new watch.14. When was he born? He was born in 1895.15. How long did he ciccup? He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.16. When did he start hiccup?17. You are never too young to start doing things.18. I saw her play when I was eight.19. He began to learn the accordion at the age of four.20. In October 2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland.21. He stopped playing soccer because of his socre back.22. Deng Yaping was born on the 2nd of June, 1973.23. What are you going to be when you grow up?24. I"m going to be an actor.25. I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents.26. I"m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers27. How are they make their resolutions work?28. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit.29. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school.30. It"s your job to make it cleaner.31. I"m going to move from Dalian to Beijing after hight school.32. I want to be a reporter because I enjoy talking with people.33. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure./Sorry, I can"t. I have to do my homework.34. Could I go to the moveis? Yes, you can./No, you can"t. I have to go out.35. I hate to do chores.36. I hate doing the dishes.37. Ask your partner for help.38. Don"t forget to clean his bed.39. Could you move the good chairs to the bedroom?40. What"s the best radio station?41. Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.42. We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.43. It was interesting to hear what the class think about action movies 唉自己找吧, 人教版网站里也有相关的,网址是WWW.PEP.COM.CN。


What was the matter with you yesterday ? I had a bad cold 2.Maybe you should see a doctor 3. I hope you feel better soon 4. people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang 5.Chinese midicine is now popular in many western countries 6.It"s very important to have a balanced diet 7. You should go to bed early for a few nights and you should exercise to stay healthy 8. I think it"s important to sleep eight hours every night 9 .I am not feeling well now 10.I really need some conversations practice。


If we go to homes for the elderly, students generally give them with flowers.

If he organized a picnic, we will be very happy.

I think he should think of his classmates borrow this dictionary.

The teacher said that he had other things to say.

The children need time and freedom to play and think.

Students should not quarrel.

English in middle school is one of the most important subjects.

For him, it might seem like a dream job.

Parents should teach children how to get along with others.

If he does not learn to earn a living, he had to take care of himself.

The famous lawyer will donate money to the charity project tonight.

Thank you for showing me around the school.

The child had great difficulty in calculating the math problem.

On her 20 birthday, she received a lot of gifts.

Sam has been skating for two hours, right?

The teacher encouraged us to take an interest in science.

What a lovely day!

It looks like rain, do you?

He and I have never been to the Great Wall.

Give him some books as gifts?

Jim to see so many people jump the queue, he was mad.

6.八年级上册英语grammar focus的句子

unit 1 Will there be less pollution? No, there won"t. There will be more pollution.Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will.Kids won"t go to school.Kids will study at home on computers.Fewer: Use fewer to talk about countable nouns. There will be fewer trees.Less: Use less to talk about uncountable nouns. There will be less pollution.Unit 2 What"s wrong? My clothes are out of style.What"s the matter? I argue with my best friend.What should I do? You could write him a letter.What should he do? Maybe he should say he"s sorry.What should they do? They should talk about their problems.Unit 3 The boy was walking down the street when the UFO landed.While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.The girl was shopping when the alien got out.While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.Unit 4 I am mad at Marcia. She said she was mad at Marcia.I am having a party for Lana. She said she was having a party for Lana.I go to the beach every Saturday. He said he went to the beach every Saturday.I will call you tomorrow. He told me he would call me tomorrow\the next day.I can speak three languages. She said she could speak three languages.Unit 5 I think I"ll ride my bike. If you do it, you"ll be late. I"ll=I will I think I"m going to stay at home. If you do, you"ll be sorry. You"ll=you will Unit 6 How long have you been skating? I"ve been skating since nine o"clock.\for five hours.How long did you skate? I skated for two hours.Unit 7 Would you mind cleaning your room? I"m sorry. I"ll do it right away.Would you mind not playing baseball here? Sorry, we"ll go and play in the park.Would you mind moving your car? No, not at all.Could you please wash the dishes? Ok, I"ll do them in a minute.Unit 8 What should I get my sister?Why don"t you get her a camera? That"s too expensive.How about some tennis balls? They are too cheap.What about a watch? That"s too personal.Why don"t you buy a scarf? That"s not interesting enough.Unit 9 Have you ever been to an aquarium? Yes, I"ve been to an aquarium. No, I haven"t.I have been to the zoo a lot of times. Me too.I"ve never been to a water park. Me neither.Unit 10 It"s really windy today, isn"t it? Yes, it is.You"re Ben"s sister, aren"t you? Yes, I am.The No.15 bus stops here, doesn"t it? Yes, it does. 打了好久···。


1 the children to play computer games very interested

2 I can"t afford to buy this dictionary. Because of my money was over

Thank you very much for these exquisite stamps gave me

4 she had been to Beijing twice

5 they want to help the man carry the box

6 do you like collecting stamps? Yes, I"ve been collecting stamps for five years

7 to eat more vegetable is good for your health

8 try not to eat junk food, for example, barbecue, French fries

9 do you like her life habits? Yes, although she living habits are different than ours

10 when it"s raining, I take a taxi

11 weekend I like riding a bike, because I can relax

12 we had a quick meal and then ran to catch the train Thursday afternoon you can come to my party? Of course, I"d like to 13 he now feels uncomfortable, because his sore throat

14 she more energetic than he


Learning English Now

English is becoming more and more useful. It can

help you to get a better job. English can allow you to communicate

freely with foreigners. You will make new friends with people all

over the world. In the 21st century, English will be a powerful

weapon in our life. You will also find a nice surprise—— speaking

English is so fun!

Let"s master English to make our future




I like music very much. I always listen to music on

my way to school. Music is like my best friend. When I feel down

and blue, I will listen to my favorite music. This is a world of my

own and no one can disturb me. Music is so wonderful that it makes

my life colorful.


If I Were a Millionaire

What would you do if you were a millionaire? Many

people would buy a house or travel the world. As for me, I would

start a school. If I had a school, I would be able to educate many

children and teach them right from wrong. Anyone will tell you that

children are a country"s future. If my dream comes true, I will be

very happy because I will be doing my country a good service.



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